Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Is TicketNetwork Private Label for Me?

     TicketNetwork Private Label is a 100% White Label Super Affiliate Program.  So what does that really mean? Basically, it means that you can sell our inventory of over 80,000 tickets on a completely custom-branded website without having to handle customers or process orders; we take care of that for you!  So, how do you know if this program is the right fit for you?  

      Successful clients can come in many different forms, but more often than not, they have some sort of Internet Marketing expertise with capital to invest in advertising, or an existing source of traffic to capitalize on.  Below are a few examples of clients who can find success with TicketNetwork Private Label

  • Affiliate Marketers:  Possibly the most natural match for TicketNetwork Private Label is an Affiliate Marketer who is looking to graduate from typical Affiliate Programs to something much more powerful, customizable, and profitable.  Typical Affiliate Programs pay you a flat commission rate, but TicketNetwork Private Label allows you to set your own commissions so you can control how competitive and profitable you are!  Commissions are 100% uncapped, so the more money you’re able to invest, the more successful you will be! 
  • Travel Sites: You probably already have a significant marketing budget to attract travel customers to your site and adding tickets can be a great source of ancillary revenue to combat rising advertising costs. Travel and tickets complement each other very well and integrating our White Label technology to your existing website is seamless and easy!  
  • City Guides: Don’t just write about activities for you visitors to do in the city, make it easy for them to get into the show or sporting event they’re reading about!  Sell tickets for the most popular shows on Broadway or an all access pass to that must-see concert in the Bay Area!  With a huge selection of downloadable tickets, they’ll be at the show in no time!

  • Bloggers: Your readers already come to you for the latest buzz on their favorite artist, sports team, or Broadway show; why not get them even closer to the action?  Since the visitors you’re driving to your site are likely already interested in a concert, sporting event, or Broadway show, selling tickets fits in perfectly!
  • Ticket Brokers:  It’s time for your brokerage to evolve!  You already know the industry and the customers.  Why not sell tickets without the overhead expenses and order fulfillment headaches?  Many ticket brokers have found success with TicketNetwork Private Label as they reallocate some of the money they would have spent on inventory towards advertising.
     Even if you don’t fit perfectly into one of the above categories, you can still make TicketNetwork Private Label a success for yourself.  These are just a few of our most common types of clients, so don’t be afraid to think outside the box and find strategy that works best for you!    

1 comment:

Laura Bush said...

Nice post, impressive. It’s quite different from other posts. we provide learn how to resale tickets at affordable charges. to know more visit our website.